Blogi: Vieraskynä , la 13.06.2020 00:30

Suomen vaiennettu raiskausepidemia: Miten suomalaiset valjastettiin rakastamaan hyväksikäyttäjiään

Suomen vaiennettu raiskausepidemia: Miten suomalaiset valjastettiin rakastamaan hyväksikäyttäjiään. By Edward Dutton. Translated by Saara Sarivuori. 2020. Thomas Edward Press.


Oulu-based, British anthropologist dosentti Edward Dutton’s book on the Oulu Muslim child-grooming rape epidemic – which caused a huge storm last year when it was reviewed in Suomet Uusiet – has now been translated into Finnish. The Finnish translation, which includes a chapter on the controversy ignited by the book, is available on Amazon.

According to Dutton, an independent researcher who was made docent in the Anthropology of Religion and Finnish Culture in 2011:

”Finns are the smartest people in Europe due to their being evolved to an extremely harsh ecology. This same ecology selects in favour of high empathy and being strongly rule-following. I show in my book that Finns are high in these traits, compared to other Europeans, for genetic reasons. This makes Finland efficient and well-run. However, due to these harsh conditions, Finland has a small level of genetic variance. This is why, as I’ve shown in my research, the difference in IQ between the stupidest and cleverest Finn is the smallest in Europe. This means very few high or low IQ outliers. Geniuses are high IQ outliers and this is why, as I show, Finland, like Japan, has few per capita geniuses, and thus few per capita science Nobel prize winners (other than Finland-Swedes) despite being extremely intelligent.”


Dutton argues that our evolved psychological profile leads to three problems.

”The first problem is that intelligent people are very high in trust, including trusting their leaders, and generalized empathy and so are people with the personality traits of the Finns. Traditional religion, I show in the book, is adaptive in evolutionary terms. It makes ethnocentrism – making sure your ethnic groups wins the battle of group selection and passes on its genes – the will of God. If you take away their traditional religion, then ethnocentrism collapses. This has happened throoughout Europe, especially since the 1960s, but due to Finns being so intelligent and prosocial, in the absence of nationalistic religion, they are uniquely open to destructive ideologies such as Multiculturism.”

”The second problem is that the kind people – like geniuses – who rock the boat and question the system – tend to have outlier high IQ and moderately psychopathic personality. Finland simply doesn’t produce met people like this, who will question things when the country does something disastrous.” His book explores Finland’s entire history through the lens of not wanting to rock the boat, also drawing on his own experiences of living here since 2005.

”The third problem is that people with high altruism – like Finns – are humble and have a low opinion of themselves. So, they will want to please countries that have already moved to Multiculturism and they won’t see their own interest as important.”

According to Dutton, this would predict exactly what has happened in Finland. A conformism driven, extremely rapid movement from the nbationalism which seemed dominant when Dutton first came here in 2003, to the Multiculturalism of today. Dutton, who has published in such academic journals as Evolutionary Psychological Science and Journal of Biosocial Science, also shows that the rape epidemic in Oulu was totally predictable from the perspective of human biological evolution.

”Low status males have evolved to gang up with other low status males and pass on their genes via gang rape, because women sexually select for high status males. Males sexually select for youth, because the younger you control the female, the more offspring you can have. And we tend to be more altruistic to people the more genetically similar they are to us and to treat those who are genetically very different badly, all else being equal. So anybody with any understanding of human biology would have known that what happened in Oulu would have happened. The authorities in Finland was utterly negligent and, as a consequence, one of the teenage victims even committed suicide.”

According to Dutton’s book, until the Industrial Revolution we were under harsh Darwinian selection for adaptive traits which, he argues, included religiousness and ethnocentrism. Child mortality was 50%, so children with mutant genes of the body were purged every generation. As the brain is 84% of the genome, people with many mutant genes of the body will have mutant genes which make them think in maladaptive ways. With 1% child mortality, these are no longer being purged, leading to ”spiteful mutants.” According to Dutton, these people have maladaptive views – they put other ethnic groups before their own, believe life has no meaning, and don’t want children, for example – and encourage even non-mutants to accept them, causing the whole society to have a death wish.

Dutton argues that Finland was late to the Death Cult party because it industrialized late, but now the spiteful mutants have taken over much of the state, including universities. Dutton highlights the way that when his book was reported on in Suomen Uutiset, Oulu University publically condemned him and removed is name from their website.


But, claims Dutton, all is not lost. Ethnocentrism and nationalism predict fertility, while being a Multiculturalist is associated with not having any children. Multicultural societies have been show to always degenerate into distrust and war, because people are evolved to want to be with genetically similar people. Instability causes stress which elevates religiousness and ethnocentrism. Thus, argues Dutton, Finland will eventually tip back towards nationalism and, when it does so, its conformity means it will also do so incredibly quickly. But Dutton emphasises the current situation is extremely grave for Finland. As he writes in his book of Multiculturalists:

”Tällaiset suomalaiset ovat epäsuorasti syyllisiä Oulun lastenraiskausepidemiaan. Vaikutusvaltaisimmat näistä ihmisistä, kuten kirjassani aiemmin on puhuttu, ovat mutanttisuomalaisia, jotka eivät olisi koskaan selvinneet normaaleissa luonnonvalinnan oloissa. Heidät on sopeutumista haittaavalla tavalla ohjelmoitu tuhoamaan heidän oma etninen ryhmänsä ja sen myötä, tuhoamaan sinut ja sinun jälkeläisesi. He ovat vaarallisia ihmisiä, paljon vaarallisempia suomalaisille kuin punaisten johtajat olivat tammikuussa vuonna 1918.”



Paper back:






Vieraskynä la 13.06. 00:30


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