Blogi: Mikko Paunio, ma 30.12.2024 17:24

Klaus Schwab`s and Thierry Malleret`s cynical "The Great Narrative" is the executive program of "The Great Reset"

First published in Finnish September 19th 2023

World Economic Forum (WEF) Director Klaus Schwab's and French economist Thierry Malleret's book "The Great Narrative" published just before the war in Ukraine creates the framework for the implementation of the WEF's "The Great Reset" published in July 2020.

The book reveals that the UN Agenda 2030 with its sustainable development goals and the EU's Green Transition, as well as the quiet change of the economic system through community laws from shareholder capitalism to ESG stakeholder capitalism, is part of the implementation of the Great Reset.

In particular, the red-green left has been made by the decades-long mainstream media avalanche and now by the most cynical eco/wokeretorics of the "Great Narrative" to adopt the ideas of a dying planet and the necessity to fight the "polycrisis" with treatment, the consequences of which are worse than the disease.

Over the past five years, the mainstream media has unanimously grouped itself as the guarantors of this policy that brings down nation-states and collapses people's living standards, and labels all opponents of the absurd "Great Reset" policies as either conspiracy theorists, climate denialists or far right activists.

The revealing geopolitics chapter of the "Great Narrative" indirectly reveals that the war in Ukraine has largely ended the WEF's dreams of global implementation of the "Great Reset". However since the EU has committed itself to the "Great Reset" with the enacted community legislation, Finland's and other EU member states' sovereignty and the ruinous effect of the "Great Reset" economy cannot be prevented without a widespread awareness of the underlying crackpot religious nature of WEF policies.

One concrete form of the destruction caused by WEF's policies is now the deliberate destruction of the center of Helsinki. Helsinki cooperates closely with the WEF and has declared itself a 15-minute city promoted by the WEF, where the idea is to realize through planning that cars are no longer needed and that by walking and cycling you can get to the necessary places in small areas or ghettos.

The book "The Great Narrative - For a better future" by the head of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab and the French economist Thierry Malleret was published a couple of months before the war in Ukraine. It is a sequel to the book "The Great Reset" by the same authors, published during the first pandemic summer. At that time, WEF decided in the summer of 2020, inspired by the easy success of large-scale efforts to subjugate people, to come out of the closet and reveal the "Great Reset" policy program, which has been matured and prepared for decades and is based on coercion of the masses, which, unbeknownst to people, has been the basis for, for example, the EU Commission's numerous woke/eco-legislation initiatives leading to implementation of the Great Reset.

Reading the "Great Narrative" made me feel very bad

I read "The Great Narrative" last Sunday for six hours straight and I have to say that it made me feel very bad, knowing that the censored sugar-coated content of the book is being rolled out in front of our eyes 24/7 by the MSM. The book reveals that the EU's Green Transition and the UN's Agenda 2030 were originally written in complete silence in the past 25 years or so at the World Economic Forum (WEF) under the strict control of Klaus Schwab, most obviously as a continuation of the ideas born from the false doomsday predictions of the Club of Rome in the early 1970s.

The bad feeling is increased by e.g. the fact that the MSM in Finland hails WEF's Young Global Leader Sanna Marini's (former prime minister) access to the communications office of Tony Blair, who is most often predicted to be the next WEF leader, or when I have read Sanoma Oy's responsibility strategy (largest publishing house in Finland), where the word responsibility is repeated 1256 times. The bad feeling increases when I find that it is the same with the book's sugar-coated main censored messages that the MSM is eagerly spreading and how the "journalists" have practically become lackeys of the WEF. Furthermore when you know that idiot MEPs and feathered governments have accepted the EU's Green Transition and the stakeholder capitalism legislation promoted by the book, which can now be seen e.g. in the large banks' active ESG style communications with people of color taking the lead roles, you feel truly bad.

The economic system was quietly transformed into big business-led ESG capitalism

We have quietly - without asking the rest of us - changed the economic system from shareholder capitalism to the so-called to stakeholder ESG capitalism. E (environment) means combating climate change and biodiversity loss regardless of the consequences, S (social) means protection of all minorities, which legitimizes e.g. destroying nation states with open borders and, for example, trans treatments and now also the promotion of pedophilia, and G (governance) stands giving all power to big corporations by unleashing "humane"/eco NGOs (e.g. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund etc) to pressure companies to comply with the stipulated ESG laws in the EU and to ensure the dominant position of large companies to formulate policies. We the citizens have been sidelined in all of this and we have been pushed to become electoral cattle to vote on the terms of the MSM in elections that may be canceled if the mainstream media is unable to fight the victory of the evil populists according to the advice of the "Grand Narrative".

At the end of the book, Klaus Schwab explains how he started in 1971 discussions about corporate social responsibility and the need to make capitalism more humane and ecofriendly. He attacked economic Nobel laureate Milton Friedman's famous 1971 op-ed in The New York Times, which strongly defended shareholder capitalism. The book explains how the 50-year-long discussion that arose from his 1971 thesis, ended with the victory of ESG capitalism in 2019, when the most important organization representing business interests in the US took a position of defending ESG capitalism. Let's also add to this the regulations, directives and regulations of the Green Transition and ESG capitalism enacted in the EU and the numerous delegated and implementing regulations enacted now in practice only by the EU Commission like a tsunami.

The arbitrariness of ESG criteria leads to chaos and the autocracy of the money elite

The transition to ESG capitalism based on the nature pantheism and the woke ideology leads to a chaotic authoritarian development, because the criteria of the EU Green Transition and ESG laws about what is environmentally friendly (E) or what is the ultimate justification of the woke ideology (S) are completely detached from reality and are based on ideological beliefs in style recycling waste good waste combustion bad, wind power good coal power bad, car bad bicycle good, internal combustion engine car bad electric car good, meat food bad vegetarian food good, dark person good white straight man bad, straight person bad and even a pedophile is now good.

G again leads to authoritarian development. This "new" ESG capitalism was already known before the Second World War as fascist state capitalism, and therefore in the US ESG capitalism is increasingly called corporate fascism. Since the chaotic E-legislation also controls the price of money (EU taxonomy regulation), it leads to directing investments to the disastrous green investments, which I have written about for ages. This of course threatens e.g. our pensions.

WEF fooled the left with cynical eco/wokeretorics

The most cynical part of the book is the incredible declaration of Schwab and Malleret, who belong to the world's richest elite, as social warriors, who update the enrichment of the rich, the erosion of the social contract that guarantees the cohesion of societies, tax evasion by the rich with box office companies located on tax haven islands, and the hopeless encroachment of the generation Z on the standard of living of their parents. In the book, man's malice towards another man is repelled with extreme left-wing childish rhetoric, where harmony and cooperation will prevail due to the inherent goodness of people. In the same vein, the book also remarkably refers to the Finnish school system's ability to reduce violence with early-onset empathy education, etc, which is a lie. The authors place their hopes on the red-green radicalization of generation Z leading to civil disobedience in direct action. 

For Schwab and Malleret, the alliance with the red-greens is a perfectly cynical way to use the self-created eco (E-section) and woke-goodness (S-section) facades created by NGOs and the red-greens, so as not to reveal that the actual will of the WEF is to promote evil.

The core of promoting evil with "goodness" is the force-feeding of harsh climate policy with the help of the MSM

The core of the promotion of evil with "goodness" is the merciless rolling of harsh climate policy.  The authors of the "Great Narrative" use extreme language about the climate crisis and the need to fight it, without caring about the costs and the terrible economic consequences of their harsh climate policies and human suffering, which the book openly tells about partly based on fiction. In its harsh climate rhetoric, the book relies on only one Swedish agricultural researcher named Johan Rockström. It should be noted that Great Britain's Net-Zero policy, admired in the book, has now resulted in 13 million households earning less than £20,000 a year not being able to afford heating next winter. If there is a severe winter unlike last winter, thousands even tens of thousands may die.

The open descriptions in the book of the terrible effects of the fight against climate change (e.g. industrial shutdown and up and down business cycles and "creative" chaos) inevitably bring to mind Adolf Hitler's promises in the book "Mein Kampf" to exterminate all Jews, which promise came true.

The traces of a climate policy based on coercion and anti-humanity are devastating

At the end of the book, citing economists, Schwab and Malleret claim that the worldwide construction of wind and solar power requires only 1-2% of the world's gross domestic product each year. In the beginning of the book, however, the authors are very fascinated by the idea that central banks will unite and build wind and solar power plants all over the world by printing money without caring about the consequences, which is not in line with the idea that building wind and solar power would be cheap, as they claim at the end of the book. Attracted by this vision, they also repeat the idea that monetary policy should be fully under global control while reducing the role of national governments and devolving power to regions.

The book is based on interviews with 50 "leading" global thinkers about what our challenges are and how the Great Reset should be promoted. Among these fabulously wise thinkers is the deeply anti-human Australian philosopher Peter Singer, who has preached for animal rights in an extreme way.

The chapter on geopolitics is very much against the aggressive foreign policy of the USA and in favor of China

The book is very easy to read and is smoothly written. One of its most interesting and at the same time most revealing is the review of the challenges of geopolitics as a separate chapter. Schwab and Malleret go against the aggressive foreign policy of the US neoconservatives and say that the US's absolute world control is in sharp decline. The authors quote nearly a page from Chicago University professor John Mearsheimer, who criticizes US foreign policy, and is known for his 2015 presentation widely spread on the internet (tens of millions of viewers), in which he predicted that the aggressive US foreign policy would eventually lead to a war in Ukraine. He is also the most prominent critic of the current US Ukraine policy. They are completely on China's side, also in the climate policy debate. The authors justify the last one with the climate justice perspective, i.e. with the accumulated per capita carbon dioxide emissions during the industrial history of the US and especially Canada, which are double compared to the corresponding cumulative emissions of China.

In my opinion, this pro-China angle of the book can only be a consequence of the fact that the WEF had high hopes of getting China's new digital technology (especially the digital money of central banks) based on social control policies (social credit score) to be widely used in Western countries. It would make it possible, for example, to reduce meat eating by coercion. Another factor in emphasizing peace and cooperation has probably been the fact that societies can only be brought down by multilateral agreement and cooperation, not in a situation where countries break away from multilateral agreements within the framework of the UN. The book also gives plenty of space to criticism of the West's complacency, which is justified in itself, in order to guarantee multilateral agreement on the promotion of destruction in developing countries as well. One concrete form of the destruction caused by WEF's policies is now the deliberate destruction of the center of Helsinki. Helsinki cooperates closely with the WEF and has declared itself a 15-minute city promoted by the WEF, whose idea is to realize through planning that cars are no longer needed and that by walking and cycling you can get to the necessary places in a small area or a ghetto.

The war in Ukraine ruined the WEF's ability to implement the Great Reset globally

The alliance between Russia and China after the war in Ukraine broke out probably ruined the Great Reset, because these countries break away from it, but it does not prevent Finland and other EU member states from being saved without a widespread awakening to realize that we are dealing with evil and senseless policies.

The book reveals more information about the dangerous anti-enlightenment religious nature of the WEF

The book is purposely strangely contradictory and, in order to gain credibility, is only covertly against the Enlightenment, which in reality it is, however, in a deep sense.

The preface of the book claims that the book is based on science and academic analysis. It is hard to understand that Klaus Schwab's speeches and claims have anything to do with science after watching the interview he gave on Swiss TV in 2016. In the interview, he says that with the help of microchips placed in our brains, ten years from now - i.e. a couple of years from this moment in time - our thoughts will be connected to the internet, so that he can direct our mental movements in the direction he wants. The authors return to this stupidity in the Great Narrative that revealed transhumanism, or more prosaically Schwab's hobbies of Kabbalism and mysticism, at the end of the book with one sentence. However, it no longer mentions the microchips that will be installed in our brains, and the time span to achieve this revolutionary technological breakthrough has also been extended by tens of years. Someone has apparently given a tip to the authors not to write in such a way as not to give opponents a straw card. However, at the end of the book, the authors obsessively continue this nonsense that Schwab already started in 2016 about the "fusion of the physical, biological and technological worlds" around the hugely developing theme of synthetic biology, which in a few decades will create a revolutionary bioeconomy with its synthetic fats and other low-carbon innovations.

The book's Freudian slip may have revealed the WEF's ultimate dark intentions?

There is an obvious Freudian slip in the book, which may reveal the deepest goals of the authors of the book, i.e. an imagined utopia for the elite and a dystopia for the rest of us. There is something strange and inexplicable in the fact that the WEF, with its influence, has derailed the European Union in particular on the path of completely irrational policies leading to destruction. When reflecting on the authors' relationship with the Enlightenment, they relate the maxim of Thomas Hobbes, an influential English philosopher in the 17th century, according to which, in the time before governments and state power, people's lives were "harsh, brutal and short" like wild animals. The authors are unhappy that this statement of Hobbes is referred to as a canonical truth. They start from the fact that it is only a hypothesis. Because of this, one can imagine futures in which organized society can be driven down with the help of imagination, according to the subtitle of the book, "towards a better world". In the book, a lot of attention is paid to imagination and the primacy of mental breakdown as the initiator of change, like Aurelio Peccei, founder of the Club of Rome, kabbalist and probably Klaus Schwab's mentor, also stressed.

There has been a lot of talk that behind Schwab and Melleret's thoughtsthere is a return to the planet of 500 million people, which is some kind of initial paradise or Garden of Eden  for the chosen elite and the fate of the unnecessary people is to be eliminated. Thus, the life of an elite person living in symbiosis with nature is not "harsh, brutal and short". Klaus Schwab's number one companion, the world-renowned historian and "scientist" - also a kabbalist - Yuval Hariri - has repeatedly spoken about the useless people of the 21st century, who are no longer needed and who, as consumers of computer games and drugs, have to go.

It is interesting that Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret downplay the importance of state power emphasized by Thomas Hobbes, even though at the end of the book they explain the role of states in the context of the growing ESG stakeholder capitalism. However, the belittling of Hobbes' ideas is completely in line with the idea cherished by the authors I mentioned above, in which power is centralized to the global elite and national governments are turned into post offices. The most obviously contradictory messages are intended to cover up the fact that the goal is to centralize power to the world's business elite.

Mikko Paunio ma 30.12. 17:24

Mikko Paunio

Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.


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Klaus Schwab`s and Thierry Malleret`s cynical "The Great Narrative" is the executive program of "The Great Reset"

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