Blogi: Mikko Paunio, su 06.10.2024 13:57

Pekka Haavisto: "Mea Culpa" "I confess my guilt" - This is the story of how Pekka Haavisto got slyly his lucrative job as an EU Special Representative for Sudan

Today Timo Haapala in Ilta Sanomat writes how Pekka Haavisto was not chosen by Josep Borrell to become EU's Special representative for Balkans. Timo Haapala mentions that "Haavisto's nominal and formal lack of education will be an obstacle to many tasks. Haavisto has completed high school".

When promoting Pekka Haavisto, his mentor then Finland's foreign minister, Erkki Tuomioja, was probably unaware Pekka Haavisto's meager education and complete lack of academic credentials although Haavisto mentioned in his resume of having been a visiting professor. One requirement for Sudan appointment was academic education.

I first copy pasted my correspondence with the European Ombudsman and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in which I made clear to both institutions, that Pekka Haavisto's appointment to EU's Special Representative for Sudan inappropriate as he did not reveal his education to the European Council for Foreign Relations. My correspondence shows that Josep Borrell was aware of the irregularities related to Pekka Haavisto's Sudan appointment

Secondly I have translated my Uusi Suomi blog (17.2.2017) in which I show Pekka Haavisto's blatant dishonesty when applying to become EU's High representative for Sudan appointment.

Pekka Haavisto's irregularities and dishonesty have never been exposed to the Finnish people in MSM.

Correspondence with European Ombudsman and the European External Action Service (EEAS)

Dear Mr Paunio,

On 30 May 2018, you submitted a complaint to the European Ombudsman against the European External Action Service (EEAS) about its failure to reply to your correspondence of 18 November 2017 concerning the qualifications of Mr Pekka Haavisto for the position of the EU Special  Representative to Sudan.

I have contacted the EEAS on the Ombudsmanʹs behalf asking it to reply to your correspondence

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Legal officer in  charge of the inquiry, Ms Salonen, at the following telephone number: +33 3 88  17 24 29. 

Yours sincerely,   

Marta Hirsch‐Ziembińska  Head of Inquiries and ICT ‐ Unit 1

After eight months I got this answer from the European External Action Service (EEAS):

“Dear Mr. Paunio,

On behalf of the European External Action Service (EEAS) I wish to apologise for the delay in replying to your question regarding the qualifications of Mr. Pekka Haavisto for the position of EU Special Representative for Sudan.

Mr. Haavisto was appointed to the post of EUSR for Sudan in July 2005 by the Council of the European Union on the basis of the recommendation of the then High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr. Javier Solana. As this appointment was decided by the Council and precedes the establishment of the EEAS, we contacted the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union which at that time was responsible for the handling of the appointment of EU Special Representatives; we have been informed that the attached file is the only document relevant for the appointment of Mr. Haavisto and still available in archives.

Please be advised that a copy of this reply will be shared with the European Ombudsman as requested by her office.

Kind regards,

Alina Padeanu”

European Ombudsman's verdict was that as the nomination decision was political no wrong doings were done. Pekka Haavisto was one of the highest paid European officials when being EU's high representative to Sudan.

My blog in Uusi Suomi related to irregularities of Pekka Haavisto's Sudan appointment  (12.2.2017) - I am no longer allowed to write to Uusi Suomi after this blog was censored:

In 2013, in Germany's 15th annual sustainable development report, Pekka Haavisto is characterized as follows:

"Pekka Haavisto, Member of the Finnish Parliament for the Green Party, former Finnish Minister of the Environment and Development Co-operation, former EU Special Representative for Sudan and Darfur, former leader of UNEP post-conflict environmental assessments and projects." 

He no longer - unlike in the same report from 2009 - says that he is a "Visiting researcher and professor of several international institutions", i.e. Pekka Haavisto confesses his guilt, i.e. "Mea Culpa". In his official CV, he "forgets" to mention the 9th peer review. Pekka Haavisto has no academic studies and no scientific publications.

Here's a synopsis of Pekka Haavisto's dishonesty:

Pekka Haavisto systematically enlarges his CV to almost mythical dimensions around 2003-2009 in various international contexts. When he visited poor countries, he had mentioned he had, in his career been, e.g. Deputy Governor of the World Bank.

Pekka Haavisto leaves his education undisclosed when he and Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja persuade Javier Solana to present Pekka Haavisto's Darfur appointment to the EU's Foreign Affairs Council. If Pekka Haavisto had mentioned his education (=student) in his CV in connection with the Darfur nomination, his house of cards mistake would have been revealed. A "multiple professor and Visiting researcher at numerous international institutions" cannot possibly be a person without an academic final degree.

I've never seen education missing from a resume before. The monetary value of the Darfur appointment to Pekka Haavisto must have been around half a million euros. He received the highest official salary in the EU and the bonuses of a difficult position.

Without hesitation, he talks about his learning to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2009.

Today, Pekka Haavisto was reportedly worried on the radio about "the USA's dirty election campaign culture reaching Finland".

If he meant my blog by this, one can only wonder at his shame, because he is guilty of systematically creating a fantastic image of himself alien to reality for foreign actors. Then, when the head has come to the hand of the puller, i.e. the lie has started to be revealed, he no longer has the courage to continue in the same style, but tries to clean up his tracks.

Finns have the right to know. If the truth media could act in this matter in such a way that these inconsistencies and Pekka Haavisto's dishonesty would be made widely known to the citizens.

Mikko Paunio su 06.10. 13:57

Mikko Paunio

Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.


Pekka Haavisto: "Mea Culpa" "I confess my guilt" - This is the story of how Pekka Haavisto got slyly his lucrative job as an EU Special Representative for Sudan

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Pekka Haavisto: "Mea Culpa" "I confess my guilt" - This is the story of how Pekka Haavisto got slyly his lucrative job as an EU Special Representative for Sudan

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