Tutkiva journalisti Freddie Sayers paljastaa ajan hengen Itävallassa

Videot ti 23.11.2021 16:45

Dokumentin katsottuaan ei ole enää ollenkaan epäselvää miksi eräs viiksivallu taiteilija nousi juuri Itävallasta.

Hyytäviä kommentteja kaduntallaajilta Wienistä sekä yliopiston ihmisoikeusprofessorilta.

Jos joku miettii missä ne todelliset uusnatsit oikein ovat, niin nehän ovat juuri tuolla Wienin ja muiden pääkaupunkien kaduilla ja osa yliopistoissa professoreina: tavallisen näköiset ihmiset, sydän täynnä kylmyyttä, vihaa ja pelkoa.


Youtube-videon kommenttiosio on myös hyvää luettavaa:

"The most disturbing thing is to realize that people have learned absolutely nothing from the horrible times in history and are willing to repeat it!"

"The ignorance of the issues is depressing.  The fear is disgusting."

"The fact that this is happening in Austria of all places blows my mind. Thank you for giving the vaccine zealots a chance to show just how deep their psychosis goes."

"Massive massive respect to these people who are sticking it out. We are with you. There are so many of us round the world. Hold that line"

"This was brilliantly reported. After the holocaust, people asked, How did this happen? The people you interviewed in the beginning and the professor are showing a similar disconnect with their fellow citizens. It is scary what people will do to others for safety and self protection. I agreed with Mia about these pharmacies companies and that's when my red flag went up."

"This “human rights” professor is sickening. What he’s essentially saying is that if the majority approves of any action, there is no violation of rights. Disgusting."

"I never thought I would see something so terrifying and so outrageous take place in modern Europe. Beyond chilling..."

"To see a human rights lawyer talk like a literal Nazi is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen."



Jukka Rahkonen ti 23.11. 16:45


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